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Bl_4lifeRocks on 4 Week Lovers
Love it and the ending...we got to see a happy ending!
Rocks on Dreadful Night
Masterpiece. The story is really intriguing and interesting, but the drawings could have been more accurate
Meh on Roses and Champagne
I'm mad. So very mad, Roses and Champagne.
"Is it because of the ràpe?"
No, it's not because of the ràpe.
"The second ràpe?"
"Was it the shooting then?"
Weirdly, no. Not even that. It's because your characterization is inhuman. It's not the events in themselves: one hundred chapters can rehabilitate a rapist. 150 can ameliorate a fùcking attempted murder. It's all in how the characters deal with it. But you...
"I don't even tr-"
YEAH YOU DON'T EVEN TRY YOU GÒDDAMN SOCIOPATH WHAT THE FÙCK HOW COULD YOU- this is just stupid! You mean to tell me all of... that... happens, and what? Zero impact?! On a otherwise sensible person? Capable of understanding what was done to him, ostensibly? That's the point. It doesn't matter if the yandere and powerbottom tropes are good, if you don't know how to write a credible human being! I get ML, he is a violent sociopath that was engineered to lack any restrain, but Leewon? It's unforgivable. You make no sense.
"...but the sèx tho."
Okay see this is how we are gonna do it you are going to get a 6½ on the Ivern Scale™️ entirely because of your art and the size of ML's exceptional bòobs and his face and honestly his monster dìck and I'll even add a little recommendation on top for the character design and the art style BUT WE NEVER MET! Capische? NOW SCRAM, YOU RUSSIAN LOONEY!
"Is it because of the ràpe?"
No, it's not because of the ràpe.
"The second ràpe?"
"Was it the shooting then?"
Weirdly, no. Not even that. It's because your characterization is inhuman. It's not the events in themselves: one hundred chapters can rehabilitate a rapist. 150 can ameliorate a fùcking attempted murder. It's all in how the characters deal with it. But you...
"I don't even tr-"
YEAH YOU DON'T EVEN TRY YOU GÒDDAMN SOCIOPATH WHAT THE FÙCK HOW COULD YOU- this is just stupid! You mean to tell me all of... that... happens, and what? Zero impact?! On a otherwise sensible person? Capable of understanding what was done to him, ostensibly? That's the point. It doesn't matter if the yandere and powerbottom tropes are good, if you don't know how to write a credible human being! I get ML, he is a violent sociopath that was engineered to lack any restrain, but Leewon? It's unforgivable. You make no sense.
"...but the sèx tho."
Okay see this is how we are gonna do it you are going to get a 6½ on the Ivern Scale™️ entirely because of your art and the size of ML's exceptional bòobs and his face and honestly his monster dìck and I'll even add a little recommendation on top for the character design and the art style BUT WE NEVER MET! Capische? NOW SCRAM, YOU RUSSIAN LOONEY!
Rocks on Omawari-san, mata Ashita
from the story to the art, everything is perfect about this. its so underrated!!