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Mimic1784Rocks on The Devil Butler
Rocks on The Sea of Swirling Frost
Read this purely out of spite of the hetro below again
5 stars because this sh/it is so cute and the art is gorgeous. Its a but frustrating as well (arent they all) but its really cute so far
5 stars because this sh/it is so cute and the art is gorgeous. Its a but frustrating as well (arent they all) but its really cute so far
Rocks on The Muse
5 stars, again rating bc the hetro below me, but honestly super cute i want more chapterss
If you want pretty ml's, here ya go, also the main character is like one of those bar-goers troupe but the ml is a pianist, no grape btw just frustration
If you want pretty ml's, here ya go, also the main character is like one of those bar-goers troupe but the ml is a pianist, no grape btw just frustration
Sucks big time on Where Are You Looking, Manager?
I don't understand why manhwa glorified rude and bichy FL so much. It's disgusting.
Rocks on Red String Quests
Read this, and im giving it a 5 bc of the homophobic f/ucker who keeps rating ALL lgbt mangas 1 star lol
Btw super cute but fustrating in some scenes, all fluff and sm**
Btw super cute but fustrating in some scenes, all fluff and sm**
Meh on My Guildmate Next Door
Would have rated it a 5 but that noncon kiss disappointed me. Why do they add noncom in stories? I will never know
Kinda bad on Crossing the Line
Meh. Ah*** top that is claiming hes straight but get freaky with a man and bottom turns into a complete twink after a few chapters. Boring and not to mention it has grape